Thursday, October 02, 2008

Protect marriage my ass

Protect Marriage my ASS

Yeah so a bunch of conservative morons with their heads up their asses are trying to ban gay marriage in CA. Its complete crap and they are saying they are 'protecting marriage'... SERIOUSLY?! Protecting it from WHAT?! I mean are all of the straight marriages in America in jeopardy because of it? Will they become null if gays can marry? Can we worry about some real problems like the WAR and the ECONOMY and leave the gays alone? People are people and they deserve to be treated like everyone else.


Melissa Etheridge to marry girlfriend

MSN Entertainment

Melissa Etheridge and Tammy Lynn Michaels are looking to renew the vows they exchanged in 2003 now that gay marriage is legal in California.

"We're trying to find the right time now actually to go down and do it," the singer tells "Extra" of making things official. "[That] is where we're at."

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