Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Irritated and fed-up

So Mickayla's sperm donor decides to call every month or so, when hes bored and has nothing better to do. He asks how shes doing and the call lasts 2 min tops. Often he calls when I'm busy but I answer anyway because I want it known that its because of HIM that they have no relationship. I have dozens of friends who have seen me answer it and so everyone knows its his lack of interest not me stopping him from contact.

So I have been asking him to get his CRAP out of my garage (it has been there since he left 9 + mo ago) and he always has an excuse. So I sent an email that said according to a civil code (a real one mind you) if its not gone I can toss it. I'm not a storage unit for crying out loud (and I can charge for storage fees but I didn't)! If these things were truly important to him he would have gotten them already. So he calls and yells and cusses at me and hangs up and then calls several more times and I ignore it, I don't have to answer the phone to someone being abusive. I dont need to be blamed for his problems anymore. Hes screwed up his life, he should have to deal with it.

Then he sends me an email saying all he was trying to do was ask about the boxes and talk to Mickayla! And then he accuse me of being in violation of the custody agreement. Well 1- no judge is stupid enough to fall for that crap, he obviously was using Mickayla to get me to answer the phone, it makes me sick he cares so little for her. And 2- we have NO CUSTODY AGREEMENT... we have a court order that says shes MINE and nowhere in there says I have to answer the phone when he cusses at me.

But he doesn't care about her, only when he can get attention or sympathy from someone or hes bored and calls to 'talk to her'. What is Mickayla getting out of this relationship with Joey?.... Nothing. She doesn't know him and thats HIS fault for leaving and never calling or asking to web cam with her. Its pathetic he calls once a month and tries to act like her dad. She is smart and happy and wonderful and it has nothing to do with him, its in spite of him. Every day I wish she was Matt's daughter so I would never have to deal with Joey again, I just hate dealing with this crap. I only deal with this because of his parents because none of this is their fault and they love her so much but its really its just so stressful for me.

I just need to talk to talk to my lawyer about what I can do about all of this and how often I legally have to answer the phone from him. I sent him an email in response to his bullshit about me never answering the phone, so now he has to email me the date and time he plans on calling before he calls. This way I can reply to the email "hey you never called" and have a record of his flakyness and also it will cut out a lot of the 'oh Im bored, Ill call my kid' type calls. I bet he tried a few times, flakes out, and never bothers to. I will not answer the phone from him again unless its at the specific time he emailed about, and then Im handing the phone to Kaylee and if she doesnt want to talk Im not making her. I am done with him, and making things easier on him.

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