Monday, August 18, 2008


Im so freakin pissed off right now, I am done trying to be nice and neutral with Mickayla's father (sperm donor) because of what he did today.

So Im in Mississippi right now, I put my plans on hold for 2 weeks so we could fly out here and let Mickayla visit with her family here. I left Matt, and all of my friends and family so this could happen and when I get back I start school up again so I really didnt get much of a break. Thats fine, I know they love her and miss her and so I went out again (we came out in June as well).

So Joey came Mon-Tues last week for a few hours and then had to leave sooner than planned, but whatever, it wasnt a huge deal. We tried to let him see her when we were up in Jackson where he lives but he was working late and it didnt work out. So he came last night at 9pm after work and she got to see him for 2hrs till she went to bed. He was in a fine mood, laughing and playing with her, and not being mean to me and everything was fine.

This morning he was still sleeping when we got up, and even though I tried to get her to play with him he tried to go back to sleep. He played on his computer for awhile, and his mom had to run some errands and was gone for an hour. So he holds her and they are watching a video on his laptop, but he still hasnt gotten up off the couch. The whole time Im in and out of the bedroom, livingroom, kitchen etc feeding her, playing with her and putting away toys. His mom gets home and then takes Mickayla down the block to drop something off at Aunt Linda's and comes back, they then go outside and play for a bit and then come back again. Joey still hasnt gotten off of the couch. I had shown him a letter from child support services that had come in the mail, he needed to fill out some things and he put it to the side till later. I tried to make jokes, offer him coffee, and generaly be nice, but he was grouchy and cranky all morning but talking to me at least.

Connie and I start talking about what we are doing for the day. Before I take a shower he is reading the financial papers from child support services and hes ticked off and grouchy, when I get out hes still ticked off. He starts packing up his stuff and toting it to the car and slamming around. He walks back into the livingroom and asks "why do I have to fill out those papers?" and told him we had already discussed it and didnt want to argue. We ask if he wants to come with us and he says yes and we get ready to go. He said he would follow us to where we are going, but take his own truck. We get to where we are, and hes not there.

He called his mom and said he got a phonecall from 'work' and he has to talk to a lawyer and 'wear a tie'. I think this is complete crap, as a lawer would have an appointment time and he would have been notified of it before hand, or he would have said thats what he had to do instead of saying he was going with us. Also, the only time he was alone for a phonecall was when I was in the shower and by then he was already pissed off and grouchy and its far too cooncidental for that.

He was mad because instead of paying me child support, WHEN he wants and HOW MUCH he wants and having that control over things, he will have to pay THEM when and how much they say. Hes pissed. I dont care, its not my problem!

But instead of being a grown-up and dealing with his problem, and asking questions calmy, or saying "hey you go run your errands Im going to wait here" and then calm down by the time we get back, he storms off and LEAVES HIS DAUGHTER AGAIN.....seems like a trend... he didnt even say goodbye to her....

So Im done. I am not calling him, texting him, asking his opinion about anything. Im not going out of my way for him or giving any more effort to him. I wont stop him from contacting her, but Im not going out of my way for him anymore. He doesnt want her, he doesnt get off the chair/couch when hes here to play with her, he wont make any effort to see her so why should I?

He asked if Matt wanted to adopt her, and he does, and then asked "so I would not have to pay child support then?".. thats the ONLY thing he cares about! He hasnt once asked how Im raising her, or if Matt is a good guy, or if we treat her well. He doesnt ask how we are for weeks at a time, and even when he does call its excuses and excuses.

She has a much better daddy now, who loves and adores her. So tough for him!

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