Monday, May 05, 2008

Too Smart for her Own good

I mean we all know my kid is brilliant, and that Im in huge trouble if she decides to use her powers for evil instead of good. (Im leaving her with Lorie when she turns 13 and moving to Switzerland with no extadition laws).

She can climb the slide and go down all on her own, she has mastered stairs and running (walked at the end of 9mo), she has NO fear and will try and climb out of, into or onto different thing and doesnt even wonder where I am. the backyard is her own jungle and shes all over it and falling and getting scraped and running off again.

See I MISS the cute cuddly baby that snuggled and stayed put. I havent seen that baby since like 6mo when she was crawling and into everything. I get snuggles when shes sick or tired. But during the day shes off doing something else.

To deal with all of this, and my own life (work, school, friends etc) I NEEEED sleep and coffee..

And now it seems she can tell time...she sees it is 7:00 and wakes up and decides I need to wake up too! Now obviously I dont agree with time happening before 8am, and even then its debatable. So really Im thinking Im turning the clock back an hour, and letting her think its 6am because I need the extra hour of sleep!

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