Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cement Boots

We are flying to MS to see Mickayla's Nana and Papa in 2 weeks. They brought up the idea and offered to buy each of us a ticket, and we could stay with them and they would cover most of our food needs while we are there. Okay good. Well they called Joey to tell him last night and I (stupidly) called to ask him about it this morning. (I should add he works 6am-6pm, he lives 2 hrs from their house, and he hasnt seen her since Xmas) Here is the almost verbatim convo:

Tara: Hey so are you going to be able to come down when shes there?
Joey: Well I have to see if I can get the day off
Tara: ....Well I guess you can drive down after your shift and still get to see her.
Joey: (some excuse I forget)
Tara: .....
Joey: What?
Tara: Well I guess I expected more of a "yes come hell or high water" kind of answer
Joey: Well I just found out about it last night and its too late to ask for the time off, and I dont really have any time off because of the three days I spent in the hospital. So now I have to ask someone to cover my shift, I cant just say Im not comming in.
Tara: Okay... talk to you later *click*

I FUCKING HATE HIM, he hasnt seen the daughter he 'loves' in like 5 months and he says we will see?! He cant pay child support till his father calls and bitches him out for it? Hes a freakin reject and I cant stand this!

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