Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Waste of Money

So her father said he was sending a few stuff animals, some outfits and a pair of crocs to Mickayla. I was glad he was finally thinking about her and was waiting to see what he sent.

It got here this afternoon and Im freakin pissed!

He sent a plush toy that I cant give her because it has ribbons hanging off and its obviously ages 3+. A plush football with a tiger tail (hes an LUS football fan). A pair of CAMO crocs, CAMO dress with CAMO ruffly panties, and a CAMO bonnet with RUFFLES.


I think my only options are to eBay it and buy her something decent, or a bonfire... really the choice is hard

And yes, he knows this stuff will never be put on my daughter, I said as much when I was in the south and told him it was tacky. I mean COMMON. I was a vegetarian for 7 years, I still dont eat pork and rarely eat beef. I think hunting is cruel and I wouldnt put anything that promotes hunting on her! What the hell is he thinking?!

Why bother buying it, and paying the shipping for it when he knows it will never be used?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Me makes me so MAD

Okay so Dad shows up, people who have met him understand this is awful. Hes difficult to start, and always disagreeing with me, even on things about Mickayla, because somehow him visiting once a month for the past few months has made him an expert vs me who has been RAISING her. ARGH.

We go out to lunch and shes fussy, she didnt sleep well last night, and is throwing everything down and getting mad. I stand up to get things ready and he tells me to sit down, the server just took the check. I said "Im taking her outside so she can run around a bit because shes kicking me, there is no good reason for me to wait here for 5 min while they bring back change" he made some comment about how its MANNERS for me to wait! Seriously? Shes kicking me and crying in there and Im supposed to wait because of MANNERS?! ARGH. I told him "sorry she doesnt have any yet" and walked out.

Hes comming back tomorrow *cry*

Though... he did get my a Dyson. So I guess my pain and suffering is compensated.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cement Boots

We are flying to MS to see Mickayla's Nana and Papa in 2 weeks. They brought up the idea and offered to buy each of us a ticket, and we could stay with them and they would cover most of our food needs while we are there. Okay good. Well they called Joey to tell him last night and I (stupidly) called to ask him about it this morning. (I should add he works 6am-6pm, he lives 2 hrs from their house, and he hasnt seen her since Xmas) Here is the almost verbatim convo:

Tara: Hey so are you going to be able to come down when shes there?
Joey: Well I have to see if I can get the day off
Tara: ....Well I guess you can drive down after your shift and still get to see her.
Joey: (some excuse I forget)
Tara: .....
Joey: What?
Tara: Well I guess I expected more of a "yes come hell or high water" kind of answer
Joey: Well I just found out about it last night and its too late to ask for the time off, and I dont really have any time off because of the three days I spent in the hospital. So now I have to ask someone to cover my shift, I cant just say Im not comming in.
Tara: Okay... talk to you later *click*

I FUCKING HATE HIM, he hasnt seen the daughter he 'loves' in like 5 months and he says we will see?! He cant pay child support till his father calls and bitches him out for it? Hes a freakin reject and I cant stand this!

Monday, May 19, 2008

My money vs Her money

So, can I spend her child support on such silly things like RENT and BILLS? Why...YES

Answer: Child support is an award to a custodial parent, not to a child. It is designed to allow the custodial parent to maintain the child in the home. Given that, the custodial parent may use support money in any way. That includes the ability to use the support money to pay household bills. The money can be used for rent payments, for example, as that provides the child a place to live. The money can be used for groceries, medical bills, and any other expenses incurred by the custodial parent, even expenses not necessarily related to support of the child.

Im so tired of getting blamed for spending 'her money' and it being made out like Im living large on the child support checks. Kids are expensive. When you account for her rent, utilities, food, diapers, clothes and medicine theres not much left. Oh and lets not forget I need to pay for GAS to get to the store to buy her food. So yeah I can buy gas with that money too.

I make money and I recieve child support, Im going to school to get a degree and one day she and I will have a huge house and be fine, but right now I hardly ever buy anything for myself. Ask anyone who knows me, its all house-hold stuff and mostly stuff for Kaylee. Seriously check the backyard, shes got STUFF. Check the fridge, the food is all for her, and its all organic.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Too Smart for her Own good

I mean we all know my kid is brilliant, and that Im in huge trouble if she decides to use her powers for evil instead of good. (Im leaving her with Lorie when she turns 13 and moving to Switzerland with no extadition laws).

She can climb the slide and go down all on her own, she has mastered stairs and running (walked at the end of 9mo), she has NO fear and will try and climb out of, into or onto different thing and doesnt even wonder where I am. the backyard is her own jungle and shes all over it and falling and getting scraped and running off again.

See I MISS the cute cuddly baby that snuggled and stayed put. I havent seen that baby since like 6mo when she was crawling and into everything. I get snuggles when shes sick or tired. But during the day shes off doing something else.

To deal with all of this, and my own life (work, school, friends etc) I NEEEED sleep and coffee..

And now it seems she can tell time...she sees it is 7:00 and wakes up and decides I need to wake up too! Now obviously I dont agree with time happening before 8am, and even then its debatable. So really Im thinking Im turning the clock back an hour, and letting her think its 6am because I need the extra hour of sleep!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

L 2 DRIVE and Morons (RANT)

Seriously, you work at McDonalds, your job is NOT hard. Ive had that job, I worked the back drivethru. So if you cant count back change AND take someones order, then go wipe down tables or something, because really, its not that difficult. And dont tell me that Im sitting there waiting at the order box and you cant even say "welcome to McDonalds, Ill be right with you", because your busy counting back change. Push the button and tell me that your on the same PLANET and the machine isnt broken because Ive been saying "hello?" twice now and think youve died! *sigh* good thing I used correct change or we would have never gotten out of there...

An on to other people..
If your driving, and its busy and you come up to a 4 way stop... TWO people can go ACROSS each time. You dont have to wait for the people at 12oclock, 3 oclock 6 oclock and 9 oclock to each go one at a time. Now yes this will take some brain power because someone may be turning, but really, if someone facing you starts to go, and doesnt have on a turn signal or looks to be veering to turn, then go WITH them, we will all be out of here so much quicker! If there are 5+ people behind you seriously, just GO. If your the only one then you can make nice and take turns, but really we all have places to be and this one at a time crap is annoying.

If you are driving down a residential street, it is NOT a dragrace. SLOW DOWN. I will not hesitate to drag you from your POS car GTA style and beat the crap outta you if you drive down the street and my daughter is any where near. Really, its Santa Maria. You have a crappy car with a cheap ass body kit and your not THAT cool.

Anyone else?