Friday, March 14, 2008

Sick and Busy

It is now Friday morning. Im slammed with things that need to get done this weekend.

I think I have an ear infection. So I am debating on if I should sit in a Drs office with Mickayla, and possibly get her coughed on, so I can get some meds or if I should just wait it out. Last night we had a bunch of friends over for dinner and Mickayla got to talk to her Nana and Papa on the webcam. She was a bit distracted with all the people and her little friend Kaylani but it was fun, I think shes figuring it out. I made a yummy dinner and am hoping to not need to do any big grocery trips before I move. So Ill just have to get more creative with whats left.

Tonight the plan is/was to have friends over for a small going away party and I might cancell... my ear hurts and I dont wanna listen to music or loud people. Or I might take Tiny and run away from the noise lol. We shall see.

Ive been packing, and since Im doing it myself Im trying to pack early so I dont have as much at the end. Chasing a toddler around and packing is quite a challenge. Im trying to decide what I dont need and pack it and leave out what I do, but I really do need it all lol. I didnt have here more than fit in the back of my moms 4Runner (I back tetris style so much more fit than anyone could have imagined) and a load of stuff from my step-dads which had mostly smaller decorative stuff. (plus my tv ent unit, couch and bookcase but I am borrowing a truck for that) So I really dont have tons, just takes a while to sort what I wanna leave out, pack and toss.

So today... Boo is watching Blues Clues and playing with her toys. (she found a packing box and tipped it on its side and crawled inside and talking to herself right now) Soon she will be taking a nap and Ill do dishes. Im torn between putting all my laundry away and leaving them in the baskets and moving them as is lol.

Next weekend is Easter so we are busy on Sunday and the next weekend I will be 99% moved out because its the bachelorette party and Kasey and her people are staying here so I want to be out and have it cleaned by then. So I really am running out of time! Plus school starts on the 25th and Im not sure what the schedual will be for that. Class has been moved to 6-730 T and Th now. And then add on top of that my job on Fridays I have to be up at the crack of dawn (so not my fave time of day).

I need a day off!

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