Monday, March 24, 2008

College Student

I officially enrolled in college classes today.

History and Psych. History should be easy, psych will be a gimmie class (child psych LOL) These are 8 week classes so they will be fast paced and thats great for me.
They are all offered online so I will be able to do them at night when shes sleeping and such. I just need to make sure and read the material, hopefully the books will be cheap or not needed at all.

I need both towards my AA in Psych and should be able to finish by the end of the year if they offer all the classes I need when I can get someone to watch Kaylee for me.

Im going to apply for some financial aid (hey maybe changing all these diapers will help me pay for college!) and see if they have some grants to spare for me. So with that and my Kempo class and working this week and possibly next plus Fridays... Im pretty swamped!

Im pretty thrilled to finally be able to do something for myself. I have spent the last few years trying to help someone else finish school, and though it was worth it, it doesnt help me any now. So I will hopefully graduate in the next few years with my BA in Psych and maybe do something administrative and/or teaching related.

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