Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So tired...

So I am woken up by a little earthquake, we call her Kaylee, pounding on the door and screaming "MaaMaaa!!" this morning. The door for her room is right next to ours and I open it and jump back into bed where it is warm. I figured out the heater wasn't sprung forward and we weren't getting heat at the right time so it was still cold. Kaylee makes her way into my room and pulls the blankets off of me and says "Hi Mama!" and tries to crawl across me to find Matt. She holds her hands up and says "Dada?" and I tell her he is at work. So she decides to browse our room while I'm in bed and brings back my lotion (oh-shee) and Matt's safety glasses. She then starts to count the oranges on her jammies (she can count to 6 now) and then run around chasing the cat. She finds her magna-doodle and spends time with that before she is off on something else. In 10min she has destroyed my room and I didnt gain any sleep.

I used to be able to pull her into bed with me and get another 30min of sleep.... not anymore! Where does she get this energy? I need lots of sleep plus coffee just to be able to keep up with her!

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