Monday, February 02, 2009

Help spread the word


Why It's Important

Why is this important? It's important because California voted to get
rid of marriage rights for our community. It's important because 29
other states have done the same. It's important because LGBT people get
fired from their jobs just for being who they are, kids get beat up in
school for seeming "queer" while school administrators do nothing about
it, and same-sex couples can't foster or adopt while children in need
go without homes. Isn't it getting old?

The good news is that equality is coming into style. We
don't have as many supporters as we need (yet), but the community of
straight allies is growing. LGBT visibility has brought a lot of
progress, but the research we've seen says that being out and visible
is not enough (read it here
if you don't believe us). What changes people's hearts and minds and
gets them to support equality is having had personal, close
relationships with gay people. Relationships where – through
conversations – straight people learn what it's like to be LGBT.

Yes, the fifteen-year-olds of this country are
overwhelmingly supportive of our rights. But if we don't want to wait
around for today's teenagers to become middle-aged before we get
equality, we're going to have to get more people to support us. And the
best way to do that is by Telling 3.

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